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Academic Support

Academic Support

Syllabus--Academic Support


Mrs. Kirkpatrick       

Room 414                                                                                            940-665-0961  ext. 369      


Welcome To Academic Support

The purpose of this class is to help students who may have struggled in math class in the past or who may need a little extra help prepping for the Algebra 1 EOC.  Every student in Callisburg ISD must pass EOC exams to graduate.



The student will learn to think critically and analytically.

The student will evaluate their processes and help themselves by getting aid in math.


Student Expectations

Follow teacher instructions                                         Bring required materials to class              

Be on time                                                                             Be Respectful

Be responsible                                                                    Work until you are released by the teacher


Supplies Required

Notebook paper                                                                 Folder or small binder

Calculator                                                                              Pencils



School policy will be followed regarding cell phones/electronic devices. In addition, each student will put away their device daily.  Each student will have an assigned cubby to place their phone as they enter the room.  Failure to put the phone away will result in detention after school and/or other disciplinary action deemed necessary.

Take notes or work quietly on any assignments.

Come to class ready to learn every day and have a positive attitude.


Academic Support will have a variety of assignments.  Most assignments will happen during class time; they range from Khan Academy, to worksheets, to study hall, to practice EOC tests.  If students are not working during class time, assignments may be given for homework.  This class will be graded and will appear on your report card.  Failure to work in class WILL result in a failing grade for the six weeks.  Grading will be 50/50.  Half of your grades coming from participation and working in class; the other half will be graded assignments.


My conference time is 6th period from 1:08 pm to 1:58 pm.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to contact me.  Email is the fastest, easiest, and quickest way to reach me.  I look forward to this school year and thank you for your help in making sure your child has a successful school year.